This topic has been kept out of plain sight, but prominent Senators want to see the UN Rights for the Child Treaty ratified and enforced in the United States. This means that the government will have the right to make decisions about how you raise, discipline and educate your child. It sounds pretty far-fetched, doesn't it? But its true. Check out this clip from the news show Huckabee.
Hard to believe, but before you can blink an eye, it could be happening regularly. The cases Mike Farris mentions are happening now, without this treaty. What it passes, they will be a regular occurrence.
This issue won't just affect Christians or Homeschoolers or kids in private schools. It will affect EVERYONE. No religion is safe, spanking will become illegal, you will find that you have no say in what you want for your children. has more information about the Constitutional Amendment that would negate this treaty. It also shows you how you can get involved.
On November 14th, we are hosting a Parental Rights Conference in Asheville, NC. It will be held at Biltmore Baptist Church from 10am till 2:30 pm. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the church office at 828-687-1111 or visit the website for further information about the conference and a down loadable registration form
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