The random life, thoughts, recipes and how-to's from a frugal, homeschooling momma of three.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Daily Deal Alert
I use many different sites and email lists to make sure I don't miss a freebie or a deal at my favorite store. Its not feasible for me to check all my favorite links to see what is happening each day, so I use sites like this to help me find ways to save money. Daily deal alert is a great simple service that keeps you up to date on the latest deals on brand name clothing and accessories. This is a simple sign up and you get daily information to help you be a smart shopper.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Coupon Adventures 8/13
I headed off to do a quick shopping trip this afternoon after seemingly dozens of roadblocks, interruptions and various "life" events that kept me from my destination.
My first stop was CVS. I picked up a Shick Hydro razor that is on sale for $8.97(is that really a sale?). On it was a coupon for a free can of Shick Shaving Gel. I checked out, using my $5 off coupon (SS 8/8)and an almost expired CVS buck, making my total out of pocket $1.87. It printed out my $5 CVS buck and a .50 off your next order coupon. I ran out to the car, grabbed a $1 off any Crest coupon and threw my first two purchases in the car. I hurried back inside and got a twin pack of Crest, which is $1.97 after CVS bucks and a package of CVS's Prilosec clone. It is only $13 after CVS bucks this week and has 42 doses. Total out of pocket this round was $21.38 after coupons, but that total is less than what it costs to get prilosec and I now have $9 in cvs bucks to spend before 9/21. After that shop, I headed over to Harris Teeter where they are doing Super Doubles. All coupons up to $1.98 are doubled during this promotion.
I first ran through and purchased 5 kraft cheese products. Kraft cheese is on sale and I also have $1 off two coupons from a tear pad. When you purchase 5 Kraft items, you get a $5 off your next order catalina. I checked out, put the cheese in the car(in my cooler) and came back in to finish my shopping. I got the following:
3 Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese ($1 off 8/8 SS)
2 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter(.60 off 8/1 ss)
2 32oz jars of Welch's grape jelly ($1 off two from last week's sales flyer/also this week's EVic)
2 SOBE water (bogo printable)
3 Colgate toothpaste ($1 off august PG)
3 packs of Always pads ($1 off August PG)
1 package of Alouette cheese ($1 off any cheese winetag)
3 containers of Oikos Yogurt ($1 off tearpad)
With coupons, my total was $2.17, which I promptly paid and flew out the door.
I then went to US Cellular and mentioned (again) that the "T" on my phone is not working correctly. The salesman called the company that makes the phone since its still under warranty and now they are going to send me a new phone. SCORE!! I have made several trips in to get it "Fixed". I was glad I went to the store on Hendersonville Road. The salesman Zach took care of it this time. Something the techs on Patton didn't seem to want to do. Off to the bank after that to deposit several rebate checks and then ended up quitting and going home. I still want to go to Staples and get the great deals there, but that will have to wait until tomorrow....
My first stop was CVS. I picked up a Shick Hydro razor that is on sale for $8.97(is that really a sale?). On it was a coupon for a free can of Shick Shaving Gel. I checked out, using my $5 off coupon (SS 8/8)and an almost expired CVS buck, making my total out of pocket $1.87. It printed out my $5 CVS buck and a .50 off your next order coupon. I ran out to the car, grabbed a $1 off any Crest coupon and threw my first two purchases in the car. I hurried back inside and got a twin pack of Crest, which is $1.97 after CVS bucks and a package of CVS's Prilosec clone. It is only $13 after CVS bucks this week and has 42 doses. Total out of pocket this round was $21.38 after coupons, but that total is less than what it costs to get prilosec and I now have $9 in cvs bucks to spend before 9/21. After that shop, I headed over to Harris Teeter where they are doing Super Doubles. All coupons up to $1.98 are doubled during this promotion.
I first ran through and purchased 5 kraft cheese products. Kraft cheese is on sale and I also have $1 off two coupons from a tear pad. When you purchase 5 Kraft items, you get a $5 off your next order catalina. I checked out, put the cheese in the car(in my cooler) and came back in to finish my shopping. I got the following:
3 Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese ($1 off 8/8 SS)
2 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter(.60 off 8/1 ss)
2 32oz jars of Welch's grape jelly ($1 off two from last week's sales flyer/also this week's EVic)
2 SOBE water (bogo printable)
3 Colgate toothpaste ($1 off august PG)
3 packs of Always pads ($1 off August PG)
1 package of Alouette cheese ($1 off any cheese winetag)
3 containers of Oikos Yogurt ($1 off tearpad)
With coupons, my total was $2.17, which I promptly paid and flew out the door.
I then went to US Cellular and mentioned (again) that the "T" on my phone is not working correctly. The salesman called the company that makes the phone since its still under warranty and now they are going to send me a new phone. SCORE!! I have made several trips in to get it "Fixed". I was glad I went to the store on Hendersonville Road. The salesman Zach took care of it this time. Something the techs on Patton didn't seem to want to do. Off to the bank after that to deposit several rebate checks and then ended up quitting and going home. I still want to go to Staples and get the great deals there, but that will have to wait until tomorrow....
Bath and Bodyworks Deal
Got to the bath and bodyworks site and put the VIP BAG in your cart. Shop for $30 worth of items. I get clearance and sale items for presents later this year. Once you purchase $30 the price on the bag changes to $20. Open up another window in your browser and sign up for EBATES by clicking on the logo below. you will get a $5 bonus for signing up. Search for Bath and Bodyworks after you sign up and click on the link. Now go to your cart and refresh it. Your items you purchased should be there. Use the code 20Fs40 and get free shipping and an extra 20% off your $40 order. Check out. You will get your items with free shipping plus get your 3% eRebate in the mail. Great deal!!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Coupon Adventures 8/9
There are a few new catalinas out that are for easy deal makers. I have seen it at Bi-Lo and you can check to see if its at your local stores by calling the Catalina Marketing company and asking about it. You can reach them at 1-888-8COUPON (1-888-826-8766)
The first is for Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks:
Buy any 3, get $1.50
Buy any 4 get $2
Buy any 5, get $3 off your next order.
The first is for Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks:
Buy any 3, get $1.50
Buy any 4 get $2
Buy any 5, get $3 off your next order.
Coupons for BC fruit snacks are here:
50 cents off of two at
50 cents off two at
Cool Savings has a 50 cents off two as well.
There is also a $.50/2 in the 8/8 GM insert
The second is for California Pizza Kitchen Pizzas:
Buy any 2, get $1
Buy any 3, get $2
Buy any 4, get $3 off your next purchase
Both catalinas run through September 5th.
I also located a rebate for ConAgra foods. Its for $25 in coupons if you purchase $10 worth of the following brands:
Healthy Choice, Kid Cuisine, Egg Beaters, Manwich, Chef Boyardee, Peter Pan, Snack Pack, Marie Callendaers, PAM, Fleischmanns, VanCamps, Hunts, Reddi wip or Hebrew National.
You can locate the rebate here. All receipts must be between 5/6 and 8/15/10 and you must have the submission postmarked by 8/30/10
50 cents off two at
Cool Savings has a 50 cents off two as well.
There is also a $.50/2 in the 8/8 GM insert
The second is for California Pizza Kitchen Pizzas:
Buy any 2, get $1
Buy any 3, get $2
Buy any 4, get $3 off your next purchase
Both catalinas run through September 5th.
I also located a rebate for ConAgra foods. Its for $25 in coupons if you purchase $10 worth of the following brands:
Healthy Choice, Kid Cuisine, Egg Beaters, Manwich, Chef Boyardee, Peter Pan, Snack Pack, Marie Callendaers, PAM, Fleischmanns, VanCamps, Hunts, Reddi wip or Hebrew National.
You can locate the rebate here. All receipts must be between 5/6 and 8/15/10 and you must have the submission postmarked by 8/30/10
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Free Weekly Planner
Planning your week ahead of time is something that makes your life easier, makes you more efficient with your time and helps you to save money. Anyone can make a chart with a simple word processing program. This one is nothing fancy, but you get the idea...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Coupon Adventures 8/6
I have been busily looking over the deals for the coming week. I have to plan my shops very carefully these days since we only have one car. Between the rising summer gas costs and no income coming in(Yes, we are unemployed), I cut where I can. If you are like me and can during the summer, you are always looking for a deal on lids. Well I happened across a coupon for any Ball or Kerr item. $1 off! Since Super Doubles is coming up at Harris Teeter, I am thinking this will get me a free box of lids at the very least. You can print that coupon here.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Free Pizza
Facebook can take a lot of your time if you are not careful, but recently I have noticed that more and more corporations are using it as a tool for advertising. The result is coupons and free deals for you. This, of course, is perfectly agreeable to me. Right now, you can go to DiGorno's pizza page and get a $2 coupon for putting your picture in one of the passionate pizza lover pictures and posting it on your wall. I deleted mine right after I got the coupon, but still plan to snag some free pizza's at target where the deep dish pizza's are on sale for $2
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Coupon Adventures 8/3
There is a kellogg's catalina floating around and its making for some great deals at Harris Teeter this week.
Buy any 10 kellogg's products and get $10 off your next order.
To start with Pop Tarts are $1.09 a box at our store.
There are also some coupons out for it.
One for $1 off three through a red plum link.
There is also an insert coupon from the July 11th insert for $1.00 off two
So just getting this is a money maker. I can donate the pop tarts, but will keep a few of the lower sugar, no food coloring versions for the kids.
The deal looks like this:
Buy 10 boxes of poptarts at $10.90 plus tax
Use 3 $1 off two coupons (- $3.00)
At our store you have a maximum of three like coupons
Pay the approximately $7 on this order and get your $10 catalina
Next I went in and got
2 boxes of miniwheats $3.48
2 boxes pop tarts $2.18
4 boxes special k with berries $6.96
2 boxes eggo waffles at $4
Total is $16.95
Use these coupons
$1 off two poptarts (7/11 RP)
$1 off two miniwheats (8/22 RP)
$1 off two eggo (8/2 RP)
$1 off two special k(2 of these) (8/2 RP)
$10 oyno from previous order
Paid $2.95
So now I am out $10 and I have 12 boxes of poptarts, 6 boxes of cereal and 4 boxes of waffles. Lets just say I continued on this track throwing in some peter pan peanut butter (.60 coupon 8/1 SS)at 49 cents a jar and a few other gems that I found while in the store. Needless to say it was a good couple of days.
I have done this deal several times over the past few days. There are many combinations. What kind of deal can you make??
Buy any 10 kellogg's products and get $10 off your next order.
To start with Pop Tarts are $1.09 a box at our store.
There are also some coupons out for it.
One for $1 off three through a red plum link.
There is also an insert coupon from the July 11th insert for $1.00 off two
So just getting this is a money maker. I can donate the pop tarts, but will keep a few of the lower sugar, no food coloring versions for the kids.
The deal looks like this:
Buy 10 boxes of poptarts at $10.90 plus tax
Use 3 $1 off two coupons (- $3.00)
At our store you have a maximum of three like coupons
Pay the approximately $7 on this order and get your $10 catalina
Next I went in and got
2 boxes of miniwheats $3.48
2 boxes pop tarts $2.18
4 boxes special k with berries $6.96
2 boxes eggo waffles at $4
Total is $16.95
Use these coupons
$1 off two poptarts (7/11 RP)
$1 off two miniwheats (8/22 RP)
$1 off two eggo (8/2 RP)
$1 off two special k(2 of these) (8/2 RP)
$10 oyno from previous order
Paid $2.95
So now I am out $10 and I have 12 boxes of poptarts, 6 boxes of cereal and 4 boxes of waffles. Lets just say I continued on this track throwing in some peter pan peanut butter (.60 coupon 8/1 SS)at 49 cents a jar and a few other gems that I found while in the store. Needless to say it was a good couple of days.
I have done this deal several times over the past few days. There are many combinations. What kind of deal can you make??
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Coupon Adventures: Triaminic
Restock Your Medicine Cabinet With Triaminic™ Fever Reducer Pain Reliever | Special Offers
Printable coupon and rebate form. This is a great time to stock up on cold medicines as most stores clear out last years products to make way for new packaging and updated formulas.
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